The MÅ concept is for the entrepreneur and the companies to increase the benefit of the individual! We want people to FEEL good. That’s why we created the MÅ concept, furnished a fantastic gym and contacted some of our best competent people to work on this. During life, things can happen to the body; you injure yourself, get a back injury, a hip hurts, want to get stronger somewhere, smaller, etc. The MÅ concept is for the entrepreneur and the companies to increase the benefit of the individual. This means that you as a company and your employees can come here and get help with your body, personal training, rehab, help with diet etc.
Do you want to know more?
Contact Johanna Lindgård, operations manager, Kompetenshuset Öckerö info@kompetenshusetockero.se or call 070-164 60 84
The MÅ team consists of three competent individuals;
Amanda Ottordahl – Leg. Dietician & Personal Trainer
Peter Fröberg – Mobility coach
Nikolas Alektoridis – Physiotherapist